These painting are available for purchase in my etsy store:
I created these watercolor paintings with 140lb. watercolor paper, masking fluid, and a nice set of watercolors. Before you begin anything make sure your paper is clean and dry. Think about what you want to keep white in the image, and what you want colored. Apply the masking fluid where you would like the white paper to show through. Wait about 5 minutes to make sure the masking fluid is completely dry. Now the paper is ready to watercolor.
To make the more blurred design, wet the entire paper first and add splotches of color in desired areas. For the Blue image above, I splattered the blue paint at various stages of drying. Some were splattered while the paper was still wet, causing the dots to become blurred. I continues splattering until the page was dry. When the paper is dry, the dots become very defines and clean. This makes for an interesting design and aesthetic.